JAC Online

Button Holing
by Commissioner Wesley Harris

I read a report which stated that only about four per cent of North American evangelicals had ever led anyone to Christ. That statistic was a challenge because all Christians should be intentional about leading people to the Saviour. It should be what we are all about as a Salvation Army. But is it?

Commissioner Catherine Bramwell-Booth told me that in the early days people were often reluctant to get into a railway compartment occupied by a uniformed Salvationist because they could expect to be ‘buttonholed’ and challenged as to whether or not they were ‘saved’.

William Booth had set an example. One of his former secretaries told me that if he travelled in a cab or a train he would almost invariably challenge the driver about his spiritual condition. The same went for the wealthy host or hostess in whose home he had been billeted. Does that sound ‘scary’?

Nowadays habitual ‘button-holers’ seem to have disappeared from among us. In fact we might be embarrassed if they reappeared and we could make a case that their reappearance would be counter-productive. We could affirm that rather than trying to force an immediate entry into another soul we should first look for the key of friendship and take time to establish some rapport before raising spiritual issues. Different people in different ways may lead a soul step by step to Jesus. Fair enough?

But now is the day of salvation. How much more time can we count upon? Is salvation the point and purpose of all we do? Or don’t we care enough about a person’s soul salvation to be willing to try all means in order to bring it about sooner rather than later, if possible. Some time may be no time! Has that master passion which brought us into being become cooled over the years? Would perusal of our corps seekers’ registers lead us to question whether we are still a Salvation Army in the fullest sense of the term, or have we become something else?

In recent years our corps have become more and more involved in welfare work for which we gain public approval and even government grants. Personally, I welcome this development and even as a corps officer did my utmost to bring it about. But in pressing the need for social salvation and the relief of physical deprivation we must be sure that we see it as an expression of the gospel and not a substitute for it. The spiritual imperative must remain at the heart of all we do. The best service we can render to anyone is to introduce them to Jesus Christ.

Satan may come up with some plausible reasons why we should not be direct and intentional in our ‘aggressive Christianity’. He may even suggest perfectly good things which could deflect us from the primary purpose for our existence. Keeping the first thing the first thing is not easy but it is imperative.







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