JAC Online

From Here... to Spiritual Warfare
by Major Don Grad

From its’ earliest beginnings, The Salvation Army has done as William Booth said, “Go straight for souls, and go for the worst”.  They did not endlessly strategize, but went and did something. 


Let me start by affirming that there is much good happening in our Army world, and people operating with a definite ‘war’ mindset. 


As a retired Officer, I enjoy doing pulpit supply to other churches in town.  Last August, during my message (at a local evangelical church), the Spirit prompted me to ask the congregation, “How badly do you want to see people saved?”.  That question keeps coming back to me, both as an individual and in a corporate capacity. 


Has The Salvation Army, declined in our warfare mentality and readiness?  This statement is meant to provoke a reaction.  Most Salvationists would give mental acknowledgement that we are in a spiritual war.  Perhaps the better question is “Do you, the reader, really believe the Christian is in a spiritual war, with eternal souls at risk?”  “Wait a minute”, some might say, “We are The Salvation Army!”.


The typical reader of JAC is hopefully already on a spiritual war footing,  But… what about your Corps, your Centre?


The Salvation Army in Canada used to have a publication called the ‘War Cry’, but a number of years ago it was re-packaged into a shiny monthly publication called the ‘Salvationist’.  The Salvationist is good, (and I am not just a cranky old Officer) but hopefully it does not reflect that we have gone from a ‘war’ mindset to anything less.


The Christian band ‘Petra’ wrote a song called ‘This Means War’ with the chorus:

This means war and the battle's still ragin'

War and though both sides are wagin'

The Victor is sure and the victory secure

But till judgment we all must endure

This means war, this means war


A few words to close:

“No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us.

For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.”   Romans 8:37-39 (NIV)


May the Lord richly bless your efforts for His eternal Kingdom!













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