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A Touch Of The Unattainable
by Commissioner Joe Noland



The chart above is very revealing. Notice when the upward swing begins, resulting in unprecedented, dramatic population growth. The Salvation Army was born on the cusp of that growth. It flourished momentarily into the 19th Century, straight up like the graph, and then began to wain remarkably by comparison. I wonder why? Could it have something to do with safety and the corresponding creeping subtly of status quo?


Whilst sitting on two High Councils I knew exactly what I was looking for in a General: A releasing, empowering VISIONARY, pure and simple. And I can tell you from experience that they are few and far between, narrowing the field considerably. We’re I to be sitting on this High Council, I would have in front of me two column’s as follows:


VISIONARY                                                              MAINTAINER


The long and short of these lists would be very revealing. My first High Council was called to elect the successor to General Paul A. Rader, a visionary in the purest sense of the word. Perhaps that’s why he was selected to write the chapter on “Vision” in the book, Hallmarks of the Salvation Army. This book may not be readily available to many who will be sitting on this High Council. Thus I share a few selected quotes from that chapter, beginning with the following prophetic statement:


“Having a vision can be the difference between thriving and extinction,” followed by what I consider to be it’s seminal paragraph:


“As Max dePree observes of vision in the corporate setting, fragility is part of the nature of vision. There are no guarantees. The vision must be widely shared and translated into what Donald McGavran used to call ‘hard, bold plans.’ A compelling vision will have about it a measure of risk, the promise of change and a touch of the unattainable. Not everyone will welcome a disruption of the status quo. Some will resent the moving of the goal posts. The visionary leader with his or her team will be required to live the vision—to celebrate it, to clarify it to affirm and reaffirm it, and to align policy and practice with it, if it is to maintain it’s motive power.”


Disrupt the status quo? Is there a risk-taker with “a touch of the unattainable” sitting in the High Council chamber? Is that someone willing to move the goal posts and stand up to his/her critics and naysayers, some of them “on the team” in word but not in deed? Is that someone discerning enough to know the difference and make the ‘team’ adjustments necessary? And what about enough boldness to align policy and practice with the vision? Live, celebrate, clarify, affirm and reaffirm? We’re not talking about the ordinary leader here, and this brings us to the concluding paragraph of the Chapter:


“Overly ambitious? Perhaps. If God owns the vision, nothing is impossible. God will bless issues from his heart. As veteran missionary to Korea, David Ross, observes, ‘Only those who know God’s heart are invited to know his plan for his people’. If so, then the urgent cry for visionary leadership in our time must first be for us all a serious call to intimacy with God. Therein is the true meaning of visionary “teamwork.”


There are leaders and then there are leaders. Out of many, few are available: “timing, preparedness, giftedness, discernment, boldness, intimacy with God” - a touch of the unattainable. Out of few, one is chosen: “extraordinary” - a touch of the unattainable! And God is no respecter of persons, nationality and culture having absolutely no bearing on the choice. God wants us to focus on the person, not the culture, on the intimacy, not the continent, on the character, not the accent, on the giftedness, not the color.


Don’t let culture and continent define the vote; let “a touch of the unattainable” define it.











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