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Playing at Army
by Commissioner Wesley Harris


ONE of my earliest memories is of when I was a very small boy marching up and down our back yard beating a tin drum if not to the glory of God then perhaps to the annoyance of the neighbours!


Perhaps ‘playing army’ was not a bad alternative  to a game of cowboys and indians but it had little substance or meaning.  It was just a game. Like many others I could have been inoculated with small doses of Salvationism and never caught the real thing but mercifully I came to understand the meaning behind the marching and the significance of the singing and music making. To this day I love many of the trappings of Salvationism but it is the essence of it which has held my heart.


Salvationism is about the Saviour.  In all things He must have pre-eminence.  All we do is either for him and about him or it may be little more than a game we play – interesting and enjoyable but not ‘for real’. The central word in our name indicates what should be central in our message.  As William Booth put it, we are a salvation people.  We are in the transformation business.  That is what we are about.  We may pay a lot of attention to what we do but it is important to be sure about why we do it.


In the heart of our Founder there was a magnificent obsession which was communicated to our forebears in the faith and which was marked  ‘urgent’.   There was plenty of fun in their service – holy hilarity was characteristic, but it was no mere game.  Eternal destinies were at stake.  That is still the case.











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