JAC Online

From Here... Forward
by Commissioner Jim Knaggs

From here… we go forward to serve Christ as an Army of Salvation, not looking back, only ahead as we cannot change what we have been, but we can, by the grace of God influence what we will become.


Our mission is first to present convincingly and appropriately, the Gospel of Jesus whenever and wherever we can. Already locked into firm systems and the institutionalization of the present, we need to reimagine our place, our perspective, and our profession of the Word as we engage in our purpose to the glory of God. Perpetuity cannot be our motive nor intention as that focuses primarily upon ourselves and will distract from the mission.


  • Can we imagine methods of evangelism that will absolutely reach the lost?

  • Can we imagine our inclusion in the powerful leading of God among the nations and generations to extend His Kingdom?

  • Do we see ourselves committed to the deep prayer lives that reach the Holy of Holies to be in concert with the Holy Spirit in all we do?

  • Might we live by the faith that pleases God?

  • Can we use every function and facility of our movement to honor God?

  • Are we prepared to shed the unnecessary and the public pleasing attitudes contrary to Biblical standards?


God provides for His Kingdom. We will realize the resources needed to advance these holy objectives in terms of personnel, placements, and possibilities. He is able. Are we? Isn’t it amazing that God would entrust His message through us for the world?


  • Our first step is to be holy, for “without holiness, no one will see the Lord.”

  • We must be faithful, “for without faith it is impossible to please God

  • Then we simply follow God’s leading as He asks of His disciples. “Follow me.”
    - The plan must be His.
    - The people must be His.
    - The glory must be His.

  • Discipleship of the born-again is essential.

  • Everyone has a place in God’s movement.

  • Allow the Spirit of God to inspire, instruct, and inculcate a responsibility and joy for us to lead others in faith.

There’s more to be done. God is not finished with The Salvation Army. Do you believe?


Let’s go!











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