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A Higher Up Religion

By General William Booth



Originally printed in, The War Cry, No. 3.- Jan. 10, 1880.


Reprinted in, Holiness Readings. A selection of Papers on the Doctrine, Experience, and Practice of Holiness, Salvation Army Book Depot, London, 1883.



A lady in one of our large cities, who takes a great interest in the doctrine of holiness, and who had sought me out because she had heard I love the same blessed truth, gave me a rather curious account of the way in which the Lord had led her into the possession of this pearl of greatest price.  She said, “I was a member of a Presbyterian Church, and had been converted for some years, but for a long time had been living in a poor half-hearted condition, my special difficulty being a hot and ready temper.  I became convinced, and hardly knew how, that there must be a religious experience far beyond mine, but knew nothing about it.  I talked to the Elders of my church, and sought counsel and guidance from my Minister, but they could tell me of nothing better.  I prayed and searched my Bible, but got little forwarder, saving getting more deeply convicted that God had more of power and peace and joy for me than I had ever enjoyed.


One day while walking in the city I saw on the other side the way a lady whom I knew by report to be more than ordinarily zealous in religion, and it occurred to me that she might be able to answer the problem that was perplexing and agitating my heart.  At once I crossed the street, and, stopping her, said, ‘Miss _____, can you tell me anything about “a higher up religion?”  I knew no manner by which to describe the experience that the Holy Ghost had set me hungering after, and so in the first words that came to my lips, that seemed best to indicate what I wanted, I called it ‘a higher up religion.’  She smiled, and said she did not exactly know what I meant, but some friend had lent her a book entitled ‘Holiness by Faith.’  She did not know what it contained, for she had shown it to her Minister, and he had pronounced it a very dangerous book, and charged her not to read a word in it, but to return it at once to the owner.  I said, ‘holiness,’ that is what I want, and I suppose it must be had by faith.  So I borrowed the book, read it, received the truth it taught, and more than this, according to its teaching I knelt down and trusted Jesus Christ to save me from my evil heart and from my bad temper, and he saved me there and then, and though many months have passed away He saves me to-day.”


Not it seems to me that there are a good many people who have some inkling, some very strong suspicion that there must be a religion higher up than that which they enjoy; that for them there must be some joy and assurance and power in religion that is far above and beyond anything they experience and know.  Something nearer in word and victory and glory to the plan and pattern and practice of the Prophets and Apostles and Martyrs; nearer the plan and pattern and practice of Jesus Christ, who is not only our Great Teacher and Redeemer, but our Example-something nearer then all-perfect principles and practice of the Great God Himself.


For my part, I hardly see how the religion of many of the professed followers of Jesus Christ could very well be much lower down, for is it not down, down, until nearly into the world itself, and lost sight of there.  It dresses, and dances, and goes to theatres and concerts.  It grubs after money, and idolizes, and todies and fawns on rank and position whatever the morals and godlessness of the said rank and station may be.


Low enough.  It is consequently all uncertainty and weakness.  Sure of nothing.  It doubts the forgiveness of sins, doubts inspiration and hell, Calvary and immortality, and angels and devils, and God Himself so far as any active interference with the things of this present every day world is concerned; in short, all else that it cannot see and hear and in general apprehend and handle with its five bodily senses.


And what follows?  Why the religion of to-day, this fashionable religion, even the very choicest of it sins and repents, and then sins again; the things that it would do those it does not, and the things that it would not do those it does.  And, then to descend to a still lower depth, it argues from the very Scriptures, and proves to its own satisfaction, and the easement of its own benumbed conscience, that this is the very condition of the soul that God desired and has planned His people to enjoy.


Yes; there is something higher up than this.  But how much higher?  In our dissatisfaction with this state of things we must not rebound too far and make the standard of a possible ascent too high.  How much higher up?  Can a question be more interesting?  Can a question be more important that that which asks how much of holiness, and power, and victory, and God, can be possessed down here in this very present world.  Oh, what books have been written, what sermons have been preached, what hymns have been sung to describe and make plain to us the possible attainments of the heavenly state.  Every hour of every day multitudes are carried away with ecstatic expectation of what they are going to see and hear, and feel, and be, on the other side of Jordan.  But are there not wonderful visions, and revelations, and signs, and feelings, and capacities, on this side of Jordan, that are worth inquiring about.  In the kingdom of glory, above the stars, no doubt it will be grand beyond conception; but, short of that, down here in this lightly appreciated kingdom of grace there is a great deal that is well worth possessing, a very “kingdom of heaven” that is worth acquiring though it do require some force to take it.


You may have to wait a few years before you are summoned to the fourth heaven; meanwhile, perhaps the first, or the second, or the third heaven may have some charms for you.  Anyway many of our readers will readily confess that there are conditions, and experiences, and enjoyments, and revelations, and baptisms, far exceeding in height, and length, and depth, and breadth, anything they at present know and feel and possess.  Let us inquire concerning them.  Don’t be afraid, dear reader, we are not going off into any intricate and puzzling theological disquisition; we simply propose to present a few particulars of this higher up religion, and to point out the shortest and easiest, nay, the only method of getting up into it.


We will begin with cautions.  Perhaps we ought to do, although we are not quite sure about it.  We used to think we ought always carefully to guard ourselves from being misunderstood, when we came to talk about how much grace can be had down here, in order to prevent people believing too much and aiming too high.  But really when we find almost everybody who talks or writes about gracious gifts, and powers, and privileges, warning everybody else that they are not to expect too much, that God cannot save from this evil or bring them into that good, we are led to doubt whether we ought not to throw caution and prudence overboard, and go in for the things as God does, for there is very little caution and prudence (so called) in God’s book and plan.  However, we will give a caution or two in the proper orthodox manner.


AND HERE LET ME SAY THAT THERE IS NO PLACE IN CHRISTIAN EXPERIENCE SO HIGH UP AS TO BE BEYOND THE SIGHT AND REACH AND TEMPTING POWER OF THE DEVIL.  You cannot get out of the sound of his voice, nor from within the range of his strong bow, and of his poisoned-barbed arrows.  Though you do go to live in Hallelujah Terrace, on that right-hand side of Thy-will-be-done Street, which is a goodly street of very pleasant situation that runs along the brow of Full Salvation Hill, leading straight up to the pearly gates that open on to the Golden City.  Though you should be enabled by divine grace thus to fix your abode on high, satan will find you out, write down the number of your dwelling in his memorandum-book, and will come and go thither far more frequently and with far more determination than he does now you reside in that dark, damp, and doleful Grumbling Alley which runs directly out of Doubting Street, in the parish of Self Indulgence.  Get higher up, a very long way higher up, by all means; God and angels, your own peace, and every possibility of usefulness urge you to get higher up; but remember that the devil will follow and harass you there even more than he does in the low lands, where now, perchance, you dwell.


Get higher up, and you will not only present a better mark for the enemy, but be, in his estimation, better worth while shooting at, nay, he will find a new necessity for shooting at you.  Satan pays little heed to those who, while professing godliness, are all the time destitute of its power.  He has no need to trouble himself with and about such, seeing they could not very well serve his purpose better.  Any next to these are those who, having a measure of grace, and still only partially renewed, who, along with undeniable evidence a work of grace, manifest, in words, temper, and habits equally undeniable evidence of the continued existence of much remaining evil in the soul.  These live in a very mixed life, and consequently a life of both good and evil influences.  Alas, the evil is often greater than the good; but only let such come up to this higher platform, let them was their robes and make them white, let them get emptied of self and sin, be made pure in heart, and come to know the love of Christ which passeth knowledge, and be filled with all the fullness of God, and then their lives will be so striking a testimony for God, and their power with God and man will be such that the devil will feel called upon, nay, compelled, in the interests of his kingdom and glory, to attach them with all his might, which he will most assuredly do, either as a roaring lion or an angel of light, as he may judge most likely to succeed.  But attack them he will.


But, thank God!  There is provision made for victory.  No weapon formed against faithful, obedient, believing souls shall prosper.  There are three sources of temptation, and only three, namely, the world, the flesh, and the devil.  Provision is made in the scheme of redemption for our overcoming each of these three great enemies.


First source of temptation, The World, of which the Holy Spirit says, “This is the victory that overcometh the world, even your faith.”


Secondly, The Flesh, of which the Holy Ghost says, “If ye walk in the spirit, ye shall not fulfil the lusts of the flesh.”


Thirdly, The Devil, of which also the Holy Ghost says, “The shield of faith shall quench all the fiery darts of the wicked one.”


It must be so.  Although God allows the attack, he has made arrangement for its defeat.  Victory is not only a possibility, but a probability, and may, thank God! Be made a dead certainty.  Fight on! Then, my comrades; and as you fight you may sing-


What though a thousand hosts engage

A thousand worlds my soul to shake?

I have a shield shall quell their rage,

And drive the alien armies back.

Pourtrayed, it bears a bleeding Lamb.

I dare believe in Jesu’s name.








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