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Why Living Like Jesus Means Justice For Women
by Major Danielle Strickland


Women’s role in church is often a hot topic for debate. But Danielle Strickland argues that this isn’t just an academic issue, it’s a question of justice.


The Church is made up of people who follow Jesus.  They are supposed to represent God on the earth, which is an amazing opportunity because what I know about God is awesome.


This wasn’t always the case of course. I used to think that God and his followers were small minded, rule-based, hypocrites out to destroy everybody’s fun. But then I had an encounter with Jesus and it changed everything. I realised that God is love.


Not just a sappy ‘holds your hand and wipes your tears’ sort of love but a ‘knocks ‘em out, takes it for the team’ kind of liberating love that empowers people. The kind of love that kicks at the darkness until it bleeds daylight.


So, representing that kind of a God is an awesome opportunity. The trouble is we often get it wrong. We are so established in our own culture that we represent our own interests and our own ideas instead of representing God. It’s easy to do. How we value women in the church is a great example of that.


The Bible kicks off with the incredible story of creation. How we were made. This matters. It speaks into our value as human beings. It speaks deeply into our hearts about who we are, what makes us unique, and why we are even here on this planet. It tells us of the nature of God who created humanity in his image – ‘male and female he created them’. God made women and men together as a representation of himself on the earth. Then he gave them the job of taking care of the earth together.


What’s so amazing about this grounding story of our purpose and value is that when that story was written women were not even considered people, let alone equal to men. Second class through and through.


See, society has always told its own story about our value and worth, but God tells a different story – a true story – one that sets us free. Women were and are made equal with men and all of us are made in God’s image. This is the very first revelation of God in the Bible; that’s how important this is.


So, the Church really needs to represent God well in its modeling of women’s equality. But it often fails to do this. Often, the Church models the exact opposite by continuing to teach and encourage the inequality of women through limited roles, narrow theology, and a lack of concern about the treatment of those outside its own walls.


I’ve listened to some awful stories recently about how women have been treated by people who say they represent God. What a false representation; definitely not what God intended.


When Jesus showed up on earth, people were doing just that. When he arrived, he found a culture where women were treated as property, had limited access to education, had no leadership possibilities in the community, and were often the receivers of abuse and exploitation at the hands of ‘God’s people’. Jesus chose to confront this terrible misrepresentation of God by living a different reality.


Jesus was a feminist. He treated women with equality and honour in a culture that dismissed and abused them. He called them to be disciples and leaders, givers and evangelists, apostles and teachers and preachers – he healed, empowered and involved women in his ‘Kingdom come’ strategy on the earth. The Early Church was filled with women and they  tried to model God to the people around them. No one had any special status, whatever their race, tribe, background, wealth and gender. These were nonissues in their new community, this community called Church.


So what happened?


In a word – sin. Sin isn’t something pleasurable that God doesn’t want you to do. It’s that deep thing inside all of us that is broken. It’s the selfish, greedy thing that wants to be better than others – to push ourselves forward even at other people’s expense. Sin doesn’t just play out in individual’s lives, but in society too. We craft our cultures around our sin, and exclusion is one of ways we see it. Around the world, women remain excluded from education, resources, opportunities, freedom, and equality. In the Church they are often excluded from leadership, opportunities to use their gifts, influence or freedom.


The root of the inequality and exclusion experienced by women in the Church is the same as in society at large. Many, many women around the globe suffer terrible abuses because of the deep inequality that runs through the heart of all suffering in the world and sadly, many  women in the Church have to fight against the inequality that limits their potential. Such injustice is sin. And sin will always deeply misrepresent God.


How do we spark change?


The best way I’ve discovered to change things is this: live like Jesus. Live a life that is free from having to prove yourself. Live a life that celebrates freedom and empowers others. Live a life of beauty and healing and hope. Live a life that loves no matter what the culture, gender, background or reputation of the people you are with. 


That, my friends, is the best way to represent God on the earth. And what it looks like is equality – for everyone. That’s good news for women. But it’s also good news for anyone suffering from injustice. It’s the news that the Church has been called to preach to the entire earth – the good news of the gospel – that God is love and it’s a fierce, wild love that will rid the earth of injustice and set the captives free.


Let’s start living that way today.


Do you agree with Danielle? Carry on the conversation with friends or in your youth group!




Want to read more? Danielle suggests:


• Half The Sky

by Nicholas Kristof and Sheryl WuDunn


• The Liberating Truth:  how Jesus empowers women

by Danielle Strickland


• Christians for Biblical Equality



• Why Not Women?

by Loren Cunningham and David Hamilton


• The Blue Parakeet

by Scot McKnight









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