JAC Online

From Here... A Refrain of Appreciation
by Major Terry Shaffer

From Here… I see from my apartment a view of the ocean. Some days its just a smooth shimmering of sparkles. Other times, the ocean is storm tossed, and the waves come crashing down to the shore. Being on the ocean shore, it brings to mind the Founder’s song, “O boundless salvation! Deep ocean of love…Now flowing for all men, come, roll over me!”.


From Here… I never had the thought that my future would include retiring from The Salvation Army as an officer. Growing up in another Christian denomination, my paths never crossed with the Army, until much later in my life. Praise God for opportunities to serve him!


From Here… I am grateful for an officer’s ministry to my family and a Corps Sargeant Major’s testimony in a salvation meeting and how both of them pointed me to a saving relationship with Christ.


From Here… I was challenged on my soldier’s enrollment to take seriously the soldier’s Articles of War (A Soldier’s Covenant) and challenged “do not leave the dear old flag”.


From Here… I wonder how seriously we take and reflect on our soldier’s covenant. What does it mean to be a covenant-based faith community vs. being a membership organization? And how does being bound together through our soldier’s covenant help us move forward as an Army in the salvation war? How does our covenant make us a countercultural force movement vs. just another church option on Sunday morning?


From Here… I wonder how seriously we take our call to follow Jesus as salvationists? How much time is devoted to bible reading and study? How much time is spent in prayer to grow closer to the Lord? Are we able (and want to) to share what we believe and the reasons we do what we do? Where and how can we provide an opportunity for  people to hear the gospel message outside of our chapels? Do our meetings allow an opportunity for a decision to be made?


From Here… I wonder how seriously we understand the need for trained and engaged soldiers.  Have we taken a clerical vs. laity mindset in regard to roles and functions? How does not utilizing all soldiers and their skills hamper our efforts to share the gospel to the whosoever? Does not every soldier have a  role in the salvation war?


From Here… I  forever  praise and give thanks that God has raised up this part of the Church called The Salvation Army for his purposes and glory. May God bless us as we seek to know and do His will  in all the places our Salvation Army is called to serve.












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