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Five Suggestions
by Lieutenant Andre Togo


Lieutenant Andre Togo  -  Togo was miraculously (read about it in JAC archives - just search Togo) involved in The Salvation Army starting in Mali.

To understand the contemporary context of the countries in which we intend to invent, we must realize how the world appears today; examine the people characteristics we want to evangelize.  Thus, with regard to the present context of the world, we notice: The decline of the western domination. Previously the world was influenced by the western. Example, at the colonial time in Africa, there was influence of the western in all things. Today, we’re assisting to a dramatic socioeconomic change in the Third-world: It is no more influenced as much by capitalism or Communism. Africa today is characterized by decolonization. There is an anti-European or anti-American mind, because most missionaries came from west and this fact creates serious problem in our efforts of evangelizing Muslims dominated African countries. If a country was against missionaries, it had difficulty evangelizing. Today, this influence of missionaries doesn't anymore exist.

The Arab countries are opposed to Christianity. They are rich, and put all necessary means to prevent a massive and global penetration of the gospel in Africa. These Arab countries consider Africa as theirs in the domain of evangelism. Their goal is to Islamized Africa. In spite of this intention, the African Christian must not forget to evangelize the Moslem.  Often our education is badly adapted to the needs of our countries. The 21st century is thirsty of well trained and heavily anointed disciples of Christ to claim this world for Jesus.

We must avoid presenting Christianity like a philosophy, which means a religion merely and solely spiritual that takes care only of salvation. Christians in general and Salvationists in particular must present a convenient Christianity in which they put in practice Christ's teachings concerning the spiritual, social and economic life of people.  As our slogan well describe it: “Soup, Soap, and Salvation.”

We must not put aside the utilitarian aspect of the African religion. Meaning we must take in consideration the expectations of the people, adapt (if need be) a teaching that will answer their needs and satisfy their spiritual condition. To achieve this goal, a meticulous survey of the area is necessary in identifying the true needs and real expectations of the populations to be evangelize. They will serve as entry doors allowing the gospel to take root in the soul of these populations in a lasting manner. We must especially avoid uprooting people of their respective cultures.  It would be a vain effort that would block the penetration of the gospel and the Salvation Army ministries. On the contrary, we must, follow the example of Apostle Paul describes in 1 Corinthians 9:19-23, He lives and does like them. This means that he adapts, incarnates and identifies with them… While coming on earth, the Lord Jesus-Christ had incarnated himself, i.e. he had adapted himself to our living conditions before saving us.

Paul wanted to live as these Jews not because their way of life was good and liked to him, but simply because he wanted to bring them to a change. To become all things to all men means, in this context, to become like people whom we want to help, to do things as they do. For example: to play football with the children, to draw water like the villagers, to eat with the hand like them… The Lord Jesus-Christ went to eat in Zacchaeus’ house; he accepted that a sinful woman anoints his feet; he washed the feet of his disciples, etc. (Luc 19:1-10; Luc 7:36-39; Jean 12:1-8; Jean 13:4-8).

We must integrate their different surroundings in order to win them to Christ. We must penetrate their cultures with the Gospel; explain it in their languages, their terms and current expressions. We must present an African Christianity that uses God's name in their different languages, in their different terms and local expressions. We must bring them a Christianity who’s biblical and theological concepts are explained and adapted to their thought and understanding.

It must be the subject of a well studied process and must adapt the teachings level to be given. To this matter, the Officers Training Colleges and the (SALT) College or any specialized Army Institutions should prepare adapted teachings, taking in consideration the negative aspects identified of the traditional religions doctrines and others. What we find negative in their beliefs should be explained slowly and surely. We must not deny in block everything that is traditional. We don't owe to condemn those that live according to their ancestral customs of sinners or all customary practice straightaway of sin.

In our presentation of Christ:

The manner of which Jean the Baptist presented Christ to the Jewish should inspire us to present Christ in a simple and clear manner: “look, the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world.” He is not only presented like the one that saves from sin, but also as the one that saves all men in whole , meaning the soul, spirit and body. Many passages of the New  show Him as the one that heals the sick’s, the one that delivers from demonic possessions, the one that delivers from corruption and all sorts of pains (Levy, Zackeus), the one that feeds the starved, etc. Today, the Lord uses the Salvation Army to heal the sick (parable of the Good Samaritan), etc.

In our social approach:

It is not enough to encourage people by our presence and evangelism; we must try to transform them by our involvement. Such light participates in all human activity; we must try to introduce men and women to Christ while participating in the social and economic activities of the in people the community where the Salvation Army implanted.

In this approach, we present Christ as the one that heals the sick (parable of the Good Samaritan), attending those crying (Lazarus death), etc. Today, the Lord makes it through the social aid the Salvation Army brings to people in the communities. As it does already in the countries of Africa in which it works, the Salvation Army should open more and moral social centers in addressing drastically increased needs in Africa.

In the social service, we demonstrate God's love. We try to satisfy the social needs of our likeness. There is not merit to tell the people we evangelize that God love them if their circumstances nearly make impossible the experimentation of that love. "Ever no one is saved when she/he has teeth pains", said William Booth. The Salvation Army is highly respected everywhere in the world for his double accent on evangelism and social service. This social service is accompanied by a social action. In this one, the Salvationist demonstrates God's justice. They try to spare the pains and the injustices that push people to be in needs. To really lead this action, one should make a previous survey of the social needs of the community.

In our economic approach:

In the New Testament, Jesus is also presented as the one that feeds the starved (multiplication of breads). Here it is about creating good economic conditions of life. it will convenient , as far as possible, to bestow the converts with a  microcredit loans in order to allow them to create small units of production according to their needs and the production capacity of each. This way will encourage self support in every family; avoid unemployment, poverty, idleness and parasitism.

In our mission:

The soldiers of the Salvation Army are not called by God to retire in a private religious world. They don't leave their community in order to serve the needs of the army. Instead they remain there: their hearts are given to God, while their hands are stretched toward the neighbor to serve. The Salvation Army exists: To serve the community in and for which it works; to fight against all sort evils, existing within the community in and for which it works; to make the community in and for which it works a different place, where it is good live; to claim the community in and for which it works for God; The Salvation Army has been raised by God to change the world. It is for this reason we always believe we must present Christ as Lord and Savior above all domains of life.








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