JAC Online

Editorial Introduction
by Captain Stephen Court

Greetings in Jesus' name. Welcome to Issue 49 of Journal of Aggressive Christianity. Over the next two issues we're celebrating 50 issues and taking two snapshots of JAC at 50.

Come in and take a peek at one highlight from each of the first ten issues of JAC. We've also got some fresh contributions. And then, next issue, we'll give you another peak.

Founding co-editor of JAC, John Norton, gets pride of place in these festivities, with a manifesto that takes up the torch from Catherine Booth. It was written in the privations of the Salvation War on a difficult front in hard conditions. Be stirred. As the other co-editor, I slipped in a little something that I wrote in the second issue.

We yanked Phil Wall's The Legacy as the issue three representative. It is as applicable today as when originally written. Then We chose Robert Marshall's Call for Sobriety, based on Amos 4, from issue 3.

Major Graham Harris offers our theological meat for this issue, in Image Or Offering, originally from issue eight. Read it closely. It interrupts a stream of interviews of such Salvo luminaries as General Brown, Commissioner Chang, General Burrows, (then)Commissioner Clifton, Commissioner Joe Noland, and Colonel Dennis Phillips. And the ubiquitous Commissioner Harris is our pick from issue ten with Tradition and Innovation.

The fresh contributions for issue forty-nine aren't as new as you might first imagine. Cadet Michael Ramsay dug up a Canadian War Cry report of the Invasion of Winnipeg from 1885. And Major Geoff Webb dug up the original verison of Who Cares? by General William Booth. Finally, Commissioner Wesley Harris weighs in with Unity and Diversity. And Major Janet Munn wraps up this issue with Holiness in Hebrews.

Enjoy all the articles and interviews. We'll do it all again in August , God-willing. If you can't stand the wait, the archives contain probably 600 or 700 more articles.

God bless The Salvation Army.






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