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Army Rising Up?

(this is a dream from a long-time salvationist in a western territory)


I went to a different denomination’s gathering... The weekend was about returning to your first love. In one of the meetings they gave words of knowledge and were inviting people up to the front for prayer. One of the woman said “broken heart”. I believed this was a word for me so I made my way up to the front for her to pray with me. When I met her, I told her the word “broken hearted” resonated with me and she began to pray for me and my heart. She laid hands on me and I felt a warmth/ heat coming from her hands. Then she abruptly stopped and said she “saw” something. She said she saw a small boat in a great ocean and God’s hand was steering this small toy like boat through the waters. I told her I paint and have painted a similar image. I wondered if the boat in her vision was red like the boat in my painting. She said the boat was not only red but red, yellow and blue. I laughed and she didn’t understand that this was a vision of my ministry and that it was the Army’s colors. I had been praying and asking God if I was to leave the Army and I understood this to mean, I was to trust God’s hand on my ministry in The Salvation Army. I believe I went for healing of my heart in one way and received a healing for my heart with The Army.


When I went back to my seat the worship began and it was the song; break every chain. The second verse says “There is an Army rising up”. I laughed because I was still amused by the vision the girl had for me while I was worshiping at a different denomination. I can’t sing “there is an Army rising up” without thinking of our Army. So I sang it with a healed heart and the Lord gave me a vision. Every time the verse repeated “There is an Army rising up” I saw people in Army uniforms being filled with fresh breath from the Lord and rising like air rising in a chest.” First I saw it in the United States (I asked God why and believed he said, revival begins in individuals hearts, this vision is your vision and you are in the US) the second place I saw the same rising of the Army but it was in Australia and then Africa, then India, Eastern Europe and then UK.


It eventually spread throughout the whole Army world. Not just our Army Lord but fill all your people. Cover us all.


When I sang and each time I saw this rising up, my heart leaped and I would get more and more excited and was saying “Yes!!! Yes Lord!!” When I spoke this word of agreement the vision stopped immediately and I felt like the Lord said “there you go”. I was confused but the Lord said “You used to pray for revival but because of your broken heart you lost the vision. Now that I have healed your heart, I have returned to you the desire of your heart, pray for revival again.”











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