JAC Online

Honour God
by Andrew Evans

Worship the Lord your God with all your… BODY?

Our motivation for any action should always be to honour and glorify God our Father. Therefore, when we approach physical fitness, we need to approach it in a manner that both honours and glorifies God.

I have been reading from books of the founder, General William Booth, Commissioner Samuel Brengle, various academic journals and texts, and most importantly the Bible. I warn you that this topic has the potential to make people feel bad about themselves however, this is not an article that attempts to make you feel bad about yourself in any way, but to encourage you to treat your bodies the way God intended you to. If while reading this article you feel convicted to change, then listen to the Spirit and change for God’s glory. Or, if while reading you feel you have been faithful with the way you treat you body, praise God, and help others do the same with their bodies.

The world has done an excellent job of distorting the way people treat their bodies. For those who do not follow Christ, there are many consequences of abusing the body, and for those of us who do follow Christ, there are even more, and costly consequences for abusing our bodies.

Paul states in Romans 12:1-2 “Therefore I urge you brothers, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as Living Sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God – this is your spiritual act of worship. Do not conform any longer to the patters of the world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is – his good, pleasing and perfect will.”

The patterns of this world fit among two extremes and unfortunately, these patterns exist in our Army. One extreme is neglect for the body characterised by laziness and poor diet and the other is overworking the body characterised by over exercise and eating disorders. So what is God’s will for your body? It is pleasing and perfect! God wants you to be as healthy as possible, and as vigorous as possible so that your bodily strength will increase so you can love him more in mind and spirit. This covers the commandment, ‘Love the lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your strength.’ (Deut. 6:5). And by doing this, it will be easier to follow the other great commandment, ‘Love your neighbour as yourself.’ (Mat. 22:39). It is a lot easier to love your wife or husband, son or daughter, friend or foe or whoever else when you are not tired and grumpy which the two extremes often lead to.

Commissioner Bengle writes in his book Love Slaves, ‘We must remember that our bodies are the temple of the Holy Ghost; hence, while they need sufficient nourishing food and restful sleep, they must in no sense be pampered, and all nervous excesses must be strictly avoided, or the body will react upon the mind and spirit, and weakness and impatience and gloom will cloud the soul.” Brengle knew of the impact the body has on the soul. I think many of us today have separated our body and soul to the point of great danger.

The bottom line for our bodies is set clear for us by Paul in 1 Cor 6:19-20, “Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, who is in you? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honour God with your body.” Throughout history, God has dwelled in magnificent places among man. He first had the Israelites build an amazing tabernacle of great detail, then an even better temple built by Solomon, and now His Holy Spirit is meant to dwell in the most magnificent of all! Our bodies! We must be faithful with this responsibility. Do not let it be corrupted by the patters of this world.

The facts in Canada show a pattern of chronic diseases, such as cardiovascular disease (CVD), cancer and diabetes, being responsible for most cases of morbidity and mortality. CVD, cancer, respiratory diseases, and diabetes are responsible for 75% of all deaths in Canada (Health Canada, 2001). These chronic diseases are also known in many cases as lifestyle diseases because they are cause by lifestyle choices such as physical inactivity, smoking, poor diets, and so on.

The more I learn about human physiology, the more I am amazed with God and his creation. Our bodies are a billion times more amazing than the temple built by Solomon. Man handcrafted the temple, but God himself designed each and everyone of us. He designed us to be used, to be active physically in serving him. We have been designed to glorify God with our bodies. In the days of Paul, when people walked everywhere and did chores without a fancy machine, when people were physically active in lifestyle he said to Timothy in 1 Tim 4:8 “For physical training is of some value, but godliness has value for all things…” If physical training was still of value in the days where people were getting plenty of physical activity, how much more important is this word for us today?

So what should we be doing to stay healthy? What do I recommend to you? Many of you reading will be Soldiers in this great army. I recommend, you brush up on your orders and regulations found in our manual ‘Chosen to Be A Soldier’. I believe that being a Soldier in this Army is the best, healthiest lifestyle that any person can lead, however, it is not easy to live up to. Praise God for his Holy Spirit! In chapter 11, section 7, entitled The Care of the Body, it states, “… the Salvationist will not despise or misuse his body. Since it can be the instrument of God’s purpose, he will endeavour – insofar as this is possible – to keep it in a healthy, vigorous state.” It goes on to say, “The Salvationist will seek to ensure that he gets sufficient fresh air, exercise and sleep. This is Christian common sense. For example, a person who has insufficient sleep is likely to be both irritable and a poor workman.”

So as Soldiers we have no excuse. We have committed our bodies to God and are expected to get exercise. We have also proclaimed that we will abstain from all that can enslave us. This not only includes smoking, alcohol, and pornography, but also physical inactivity, over/under eating, television, computer, and twiddling your thumbs or whatever else can enslave and keep you from God’s plans for your life. Staying on the physical health theme, if God has planed for you to live to the age of 100 so that you can speak of him to many people and bring glory to him through many years, but you are physically inactive and develop a lifestyle chronic disease and die at the age of 75 or 45, what then? God had so many more plans for you in your healthy body, but you could not do them because you were unfaithful with your body.

Don’t let this happen to you. God is gracious and compassionate and a great restorer. He has designed our bodies to get back into healthy vigorous states. Many diseases are prevented and reversed with exercise.

For Healthy lives this is the minimum that you should do.
1. Every day Pray and Listen to the Holy Spirit as to what you should do.
2. Get at least 30mins, 3 times a week of aerobic activity of brisk walking intensity.
3. Do full body resistance exercises at least 1 time a week of 8-10 exercises.
4. Keep up with flexibility and balance, especially as you age.

Now to the topic of food and diet - keep in mind I am not a dietician. In the Salvation Army, our Communion is at every meal. This means we remember Christ and his sacrifice for us at every meal and is a time to give him Glory. If we are glorifying Christ and remembering Him at every meal, we should be prevented from over eating or not eating. Also if we are truly remembering Christ at each meal, our talk would be full of praise and spiritual conversation. This is how we should approach meals.

With regard to what we eat, we should follow the Canada Food Guide. A new guide as just been published and you can get a copy for free by ordering online from the government. Furthermore, here is a quote from ‘Religion For Every Day’ by William Booth, “Eating and drinking have much to do with the shortening of peoples lives… I very much question whether more people do not die from over-eating than over-drinking.” Even a hundred years ago, our founder hinted at the danger of over eating. Therefore, when you go home after church on Sunday to your roast beef meal, or to Swiss Chalet, do not over eat! I know how hard it is to turn down a tasty yorkshire pudding after already consuming five. Even when we know we are full, food is still pleasant in our mouths.

Be a Living Sacrifice. Turn off the TV, computer, do something radical and throw your TV away (if it is a plasma, sell it and give the money to the poor). Read your Bible (if you aren’t disciplined in reading your Bible, and praying, you don’t have a chance with your body).

Give your life to God, mind, Spirit and Body.






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