JAC Online

Rethinking Evangelism
by Commissioner Joe Noland
Re-inventing Evangelism - A Cyberspace Street Corner


 I was recently asked the question, “What do you think the difference is between SAVN.tv (Salvation Army Vision Network) and other Salvation Army online ministries? Here is my expanded response to that question.

A lot of thought, discussion and feedback has gone into determining the mission, purpose and direction of SAVN.tv. From one leaning, the pressure came to make it traditional, internal and culturally relevant for the “select” few - playing to the troops.

Many, however, favored an external, evangelical approach, insisting that the nomenclature and look be open, appealing and nonthreatening, especially to both the seeking believer and nonbeliever. A kind of 21st Century, contemporary Cyberspace street corner presentation designed to “Get their attention,” as William Booth so aptly framed it. He invented the army’s unique way of evangelizing; SAVN is reinventing it.

Whilst this was in our thinking from the beginning, we were also cautioned from many sides to use terminology and visuals that would appeal and attract, not repel. Whilst the terms “corps,” “citadel” and “fire-a-volley” are comfortable and understood by the initiated, they are foreign and uncomfortable to the outsider, those whom we are attempting to engage.

Further, it was determined that one of our important audiences would be Generation Y, also known as the Millennial Generation - the future. This emerging generation is cause (mission) oriented, according to a recent Pew Research Study. If a church does not involve them in a cause, they will go elsewhere (And they are going elsewhere!). The genius of the Army is that, historically, it has been social action (cause) oriented, that’s what sets us apart.

Thus, social action causes become the first-look “hook” that attracts and engages. Once hooked, the viewer digs deeper (follows them into the Army meeting) where the Gospel message is presented visually, creatively and interactively.

Godshot: http://www.savn.tv/campaign/view/609  


 Response: http://www.savn.tv/campaign/view/610  

SAVN.tv is meant to be, in part, the aegis (umbrella) site and Cyberspace channel for a multiplicity of social media congregations (Corps), or our preferred terminology, “Mission Stations.” The strategy is two-fold:  Content and Delivery (Distribution).


SAVN is committed to the creation of professional, attractive content, appealing to the audiences we are attempting to reach - CAUSE oriented. Whilst there are exceptions, for the most part, as research suggests, content will be served up in short 1-5 minute “story” segments, designed for a fast-paced, tech savvy generation with “a sense of immediacy as they are on a faster journey and their expectations of services or relationships are higher,” according to Anni Macbeth, trend forecaster.


SAVN is committed to a personalized, interactive content delivery system - a continuing “work in progress,” video driven website, always changing experientially as new ideas and innovations surface. It is collaborative, partnering with Odyssey, Back to the Bible, the Billy Graham Association, the Jesus Film, YouVersion, Mary Rice-Hopkins, “Not Today” movie, “Mac Lucado’s Christmas Candle,” and more. Cyberspace street corners GALORE! 

Social Media Soldiers are being recruited and trained, partnering with www.groundwire.net, a collaborative coaching, live chat ministry customized for SAVN. In development is an interactive, small group channel (Bible Study, Recovery, etc.) where those so motivated can start their own social media groups (Mission Stations), thereby distributing the Gospel exponentially far and wide. To become a SMSoldier, go to:


Our goal: Create quality content and design delivery systems, easily accessible and available to all. Become the resource and aegis (umbrella) site for a host of online customized causes, corps, congregations, recovery groups, mission stations ad infinitum. THEREIN LIES THE DIFFERENCE.

If you have read this far, you are obviously not of the Millennial Generation. They would have read the first couple of paragraphs and moved on. That’s OK, they already know the gist of what has been clarified here. This was written for you, representative of another generation, and just as vital to the SAVN mission. Join with us as we change the world one Cyberspace street corner at a time.






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