JAC Online

Interview: Major Anthony Baso

Original Publication - JAC #53,  February 2008 – March 2008


JAC: What is your idea of perfect happiness?


AB: Perfect happiness starts and ends with a relationship with God.  Psalm 16:11 best sums it up for me.  “You will make clear to me the way of life; where you are joy is complete; in your right hand there are pleasures for ever and ever.”  Where God is, there is fullness of joy.  If God is in all other relationships, then our joy will be made complete. 


JAC: What is your greatest fear?


AB: Sharks…it give me the creeps just thinking about it.


JAC: What living person do you most admire?


AB: Major David Laeger (R) He lives out a life of holiness like no one I have ever been around.  He’s the real deal.


JAC: With which historical figure do you most identify?


AB: Wow, really not sure…Abraham Lincoln? James (One of the Son’s of thunder), Judas sometimes…Elijah sometimes.


JAC: What is the trait you deplore most in others?


AB: Unforgiveness


JAC: What is your greatest extravagance?


AB: Worship


JAC: What is your favourite journey?


AB: Life. With God as Sovereign King, life is the most incredible journey of all!


JAC: What do you consider the most over-rated virtue?


AB: Moderation.


JAC: What talent would you most like to have?


AB: Teaching


JAC: If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?


AB: Become a better listener.


JAC: What do you regard as the lowest depth of misery?


AB: Hopelessness


JAC: What is your most treasured possession?


AB: My family


JAC: What is your most marked characteristic?


AB: Passion


JAC: Who are your favourite writers?


AB: The Holy Ghost, Commissioner Brengle, A.W. Tozer, T. Tenney, L. Sweet and Rob Bell.


JAC: Who is your favourite hero of fiction?


AB: Batman, the Dark Knight.  He fights the bad guys. He’s has a dark side, drives a cool car, has an unbelievably cool bat suit and has the money to keep it all going.  You gotta love it.


JAC: Who are your heroes in real life?


AB: Anyone who has a deep capacity to love others.  They are the real heroes.


JAC: What is your motto?


AB: Love God…love others.











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