JAC Online

Men, Women, and the Bible
by Major Richard Munn
(based on an outline by Gilbert Bilezikian)

• Session One
 “In The Beginning It Was Good!” – Genesis 1-2

• Session Two
 “What On Earth Happened?” – Genesis 3

• Session Three
 “A Painful Legacy - Polygamy, Divorce And Adultery.” – Old Testament Survey

• Session Four
 “Glimpses Of Eden Restored” – Song Of Songs And Proverbs 31

• Session Five
 “Jesus And Women” – New Testament Survey

• Session Six
 “What Did Paul Really Say?” – Pauline Survey

• Session Seven
 “Eros And Porneia – Healthy Sexuality In An Age Of Pompeii” – Matthew 5 And 1 Corinthians 7

• Session Eight
 “Men And Women In The Church – Breaking The Curse” – Galatians 3:28

Session One

“In The Beginning It Was Good!”
Genesis 1-2

Genesis One – The Creation Story

Genesis 1:26 (RSV) - “Let us make man in our image, after our likeness; and let them have dominion…”
God determines to make “man” (singular), but refers to “man” as “them” (plural). “Man” is a generic term for “human beings” and encompasses both male and female. Both man and woman are God’s image-bearers.

Genesis 1:27 (RSV) - “So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them.”
The male/female sexual differentiation reflects realities contained within the very being of God and derived from Him as His image. Femaleness pertains to the image of God as fully as maleness. God is neither male nor female.

Genesis 1:28 (RSV) - “Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth and subdue it…”
God’s procreation mandate (the command to reproduce and to populate the earth) offers an added explanation for the sexual differentiation between man and woman. Its purpose was not for one sex to dominate the other.

Genesis Two – Reinforces teachings of chapter one and provides some new insights.

Genesis 2:18 (NIV) - “It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him.”
By any standards, Adam had it made in Eden. However, in spite of opulence, Adam was not fulfilled.
He remained alone. He was only half of the story. The image of God in him, itself, yearned for the presence of his female counterpart without whom there was no fulfillment.

Genesis 2:23 - “At last, this is bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh; she shall be called woman because she was taken out of man.”
Adam’s exclamation shows that he was in tune with God. He understood that God was presenting him with a being like himself, the companion perfectly suitable for him, his equal.

Genesis 2:24 (RSV) - “Therefore a man leaves his father and his mother and cleaves to his wife, and they become one flesh.”
The marital bond is designed by God to take precedence over concern for the cohesion of a man’s original family.
He goes to his bride and joins her in the marital bond.

Genesis 2:25 - “And the man and his wife were both naked and they were not ashamed.”
Nakedness in the garden is mentioned as a concluding affirmation of the goodness of God’s creation. It signified the unhindered freedom of humans in relation to each other and before God.

Notes from Gilbert Bilezikian – “Beyond Sex Roles”

Session Two

“What On Earth Happened?”

Genesis 3

Genesis Three – The Fall

Genesis 3:6a (RSV) “When the woman saw that the tree was good for food, and that it was a delight to the eyes, and that the tree was desirable to make one wise, she took of its fruit and ate it”
Eve saw that the tree was “a delight to the eyes.” Pleasure took precedence over revelation. The philosophy of hedonism is born - advocating the satisfaction of desire and the gratification of the senses as being the ultimate value.

Genesis 3:6b “She took of its fruit and ate; and she also gave some to her husband, and he ate it.”
Adam sins knowingly. He is aware of the meaning of his defiant gesture and yet participates in the rebellion against God.

Genesis 3:7 and 10 “Then the eyes of both of them were opened, and they realized they were naked; so they sewed fig leaves together and made coverings for themselves.”     ..."I was afraid because I was naked; so I hid."
Original natural innocence and freedom are immediately reversed. There is shame associated with nakedness – a sense of self-consciousness

Genesis 3:11 (RSV) “And God said, "Who told you that you were naked? Have you eaten from the tree that I commanded you not to eat from?"
God addresses Adam as an individual. Both Adam and Eve discover their nakedness as the result of sin, but God singles out Adam to inquire. Eve’s turn would come. She would have to speak for herself, as a person in her own right.

Genesis 3:15 “I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your offspring and hers.”
Intimacy and mutual dependency is replaced by ‘enmity ‘- lit.’ hostility’ ‘hate’ ‘antagonism.’

Genesis 3:16 “I will greatly increase your pains in childbearing, in pain you will bring forth children. Your desire will be for your husband, and he will rule over you.”
The woman is entrusted with the childbearing function. She will yearn for the “one flesh” union that defined the family prior to the fall (2:24). Her desire will be for her husband, and yet instead of meeting her desire and providing a mutually supportive and nurturing family environment, he will rule over her.

Notes from Gilbert Bilezikian – “Beyond Sex Roles”

Session Three

“A Painful Legacy – Polygamy, Divorce And Adultery.”
Old Testament Survey

Following the Fall - The Dark Side

This is a time of preparation for fulfillment that ultimately comes with the life Christ. The time reflects a dual set of characteristics:

1. The effects of the fall are very much in evidence in the old-covenant community. This is the dark side of the old covenant.

2. However, God is also using the old-covenant people as instruments to accomplish His redemptive program. There are many positive features that prepare the way for the coming of Christ and for the restoration of God’s original creation purposes. This is the bright side of the old covenant.

This lesson will focus in the dark side. Next month will feature the bright side.

Polygamy - Genesis 4:19 – “And Lamech took two wives.”

It takes only 6 generations from Adam to Lamech for hierarchy to disintegrate into polygamy. ‘One flesh’ has morphed into ruler/subject hierarchy. The ruler of woman now becomes the owner of woman. The owner of woman soon becomes the owner of women.

Creation Design

Adam and Eve

The Fall

God nature

Genesis 16:3,4 – “So after Abram had been living in Canaan ten years, Sarai his wife took her Egyptian maidservant Hagar and gave her to her husband to be his wife. He slept with Hagar, and she conceived.” (See also Genesis 25:1-6)

Male dominance transforms the creational relationship of equals into one of superior to subordinate. Wives are now regarded as conveniences and providers of posterity.

 Abraham has several wives and concubines.
 Esau marries three wives (Genesis 26:34; 28:8-9)
 Jacob’s twelve sons are born of four different mothers (Genesis 29; 30).
 Gideon has thirty wives and at least one concubine (Judges 8:30, 31).
 David keeps adding wives and concubines to his house (2 Samuel 3:2-5; 5:13-16; 20:3).
 Solomon establishes the biblical record with 700 wives and 300 concubines (1 Kings 11:3).
 Bigamy is recognized as a legal fact - indicating that common people practice it as well (Exodus 21:10; Deuteronomy 21:15-17).

Patriarchal Oppression – (Numbers 30:6-16) Old Testament legislation regarding contractual engagements and individual decisions is an illustration of the oppressive nature of the patriarchal system. Commitments made by a wife prior to her marriage or after her wedding can be overruled by her husband.

Numbers 30:2 – A husband’s decisions are not subject to the approval of his wife. The legal status of a married woman is that of a child in relation to the ruler of a house.

Numbers 30:3-5 – The decisions of a young woman living in her father’s house can be nullified by him.

Numbers 30:16 – A wife does not enjoy any greater degree of independence than her own daughter

Exodus 21:7 – A father can sell his daughter as a servant – probably to double up as a concubine – as if she is a piece of property

Double Standard on Adultery – Deuteronomy 22:13-30

The different status between men and women that results from “he shall rule over you” produces inequities in the area of sexual behavior. This is reflected in the old-covenant legislation on adultery. Since a married man is ruler over his wife, her unfaithfulness violates his property rights.

Deuteronomy 22:22: An adulterous wife is to be put to death. However, the law prescribes no penalty against an unfaithful husband.

Deuteronomy 22:28-29 – The violation of a single woman is not punishable by death, since she is not the possession of a husband.

Result: The one-sided definition of adultery gives enough latitude to male permissive practices for prostitution to become a persistent affliction in the history of the old-covenant people.

Notes from Gilbert Bilezikian – “Beyond Sex Roles”

Session Four

“Glimpses Of Eden Restored”

Song Of Songs And Proverbs 31

Following the Fall - The Bright Side

The old-covenant period was a time of partial accomplishment to sinful realities – resolution would be fully attainable in the new covenant. Positive elements were the lingering effects of the goodness of God’s creation ideal – pointing to the new creation in Christ.

The old covenant gave many indications that men and women would be able to enjoy again the equality for which they had been created. For instance:

Religious Life - The bible refers to several prophetesses and describes them as exercising the same kind of religious authority as their male counterparts

 Miriam – Exodus 15:20,21
 Deborah – Judges 4:4,5
 Huldah – 2 Kings 22:14-16

Civil Life - Several women even alter the course of history

 Rahab – Joshua 6:25
 Esther – Esther 7:3,4
 Ruth – Ruth 4:13

Marital Life – In the middle of brokenness glimpses of the original goodness of monogamous marriage surface

The Song of Solomon – The Song consists of a graceful, emotional, highly lyrical celebration of conjugal love. It is a strong affirmation of the enjoyment of human sexuality in the context of complete mutual freedom and reciprocity. It is a poetical-dramatic commentary on God’s original charter for male/female relations

 The setting is similar to the goodness of creation in its Edenic innocence
 The man and the woman frolic in complete abandon as free spirits
 There are no hints of disparity, manipulation or domination
 The terms of endearment reflect deference and reciprocity.
 Admiration for the beauty of the human body is mutual, and access to the physical being of each other is unhindered
 “My beloved is mine and I am his.” (Song of Songs 2:16)
 God’s shalom permeates the whole story.

Proverbs 31:10-31

 Her husband has confidence in her He respects her judgment and her independent decisions - (1-12)
 The implication is that he is well respected in the community because of his wife’s industry and competency – (23)
 She is a “working wife” – combining career and home (24)
 She has good relationships with the her children and husband (28)
 The husband affirms the qualities of his wife, and acknowledges that while there are many other women like her, she is the best among them. (29)
 This text projects in everyday life the implications of the relationship described in the Song of Songs.
 It anticipates the restoration of the original pattern of husband/wife relationships that prevailed in creation prior to the fall.

Notes from Gilbert Bilezikian – “Beyond Sex Roles”

Session Five

“Jesus And Women”
New Testament Survey


 A new days dawns with the advent of Jesus.
 He reaffirms creation and repudiates the effects of the fall.
 He intrudes into the sin-laden institutions of the world and releases new life.

Societal Context:

 Women are still generally viewed as being responsible for the evil in the world.
 Women are strictly segregated from social and religious life
 Women are viewed as inferior and unteachable.
 Women are essentially captive in the isolation of their fathers or husbands’ homes.

Result: Jesus restores human dignity to women - that experienced by Eve before the fall.

Redefines Adultery - Matthew 5:27-30

 Adultery is perceived as a female sin.
 Men commit adultery with impunity.
 Jesus addresses the root of the problem by denouncing predatory men who look at women and see a body instead of a person.
 He cuts across legalisms by requiring a change of heart.
 He promises hell as the alternative to obedience.

Revokes Divorce - Matthew 5:31-32

 Divorce puts wives at the mercy of their husbands under the cover of the Mosaic legislation.
 To alert His listeners to the dehumanizing implications of such practices, Jesus uses violent language.
 Men who discard their wives reduce them to the status of whores.
 The man who puts out his wife has the heart of an adulterer (Matthew 19:3-8)
 The man who marries a woman who has thus been passed around essentially encourages legalized wife swapping.

Redeems Prostitutes - Luke 7:36-50

 The Pharisee looks at the harlot and sees only a fallen woman.
o The harlot is unredeemable
 Jesus looks and sees only a repentant sinner.
o It is the self-righteous Pharisee who is in sin.
 Jesus later tells assembled leaders that harlots are far ahead of them in entering the kingdom, because they believe while they reject Him (Matthew 21:31-32).

Affirms Discipleship - Luke 10:38-42

 To sit at someone’s feet is the position of the receptive disciple.
o Mary is learning from the Lord
o Martha is busy with pots and pans - fulfilling the role traditionally assigned to women.
 Jesus cites Mary as the person who is making the right decision, one that is of lasting value.


The First News of the Incarnation—Luke 1:32-35 - The revelation that God will send forth His own son to be born of a woman is first made to that very woman – Mary.

The First Samaritan Convert—John 4:7-42 - A woman becomes the prototypical convert of the universal gospel mission.

The First Gentile Convert—Matthew 15:21-28 - The focus of the story is the faith of a woman, which Jesus later describes as “great.” Jesus establishes her as His first convert in an area He identifies as the Gentile world.

The First Witness the Resurrection—Matthew 28:9; John 20:16 - The women disciples are present when Jesus’ body is entombed. They are also the ones who come to the grave early on the third day to complete the embalming of the body.

The First Witnesses to the Resurrection—Matthew 28:10; John 20:18 - The female disciples, who accompany Jesus to the crucifixion and stay with him through the execution are entrusted by Him with the message: “He is risen.”

Conclusion: Jesus teaches His followers - in word and deed - to consider gender difference irrelevant to processes of the kingdom of God.

Notes from Gilbert Bilezikian – “Beyond Sex Roles”

Session Six

“Pauline Principles”

Galatians 3:26-29 – Church Relationships – Mutual Identity in Christ

The epistle to the Galatians is considered by many to be Paul’s first extant writing – his inaugural statement. The correlations between this statement and the contents of Peter’s inaugural speech at Pentecost are striking. [Acts 2:15 – 21]

“There is neither Jew nor Greek [or Gentile].” - Commitment has shifted from their Jewish ethnicity or Gentile ethnicity to unity in Christ.
Racial distinctions are irrelevant in the church. Therefore, the practice of racial discrimination in the church is sinful.

“There is neither slave nor free” Self-definition shifts from their status as slave or free to the unity they share in Christ.
Class distinctions are irrelevant in the church. Therefore, the practice of class discrimination in the church is sinful.

“There is neither male nor female.” Personal worth shifts from their maleness or femaleness to the unity they share in Christ.
Sex distinctions are irrelevant in the church. Therefore, the practice of sex discrimination in the church is sinful.

Summary: Christian unity can be achieved despite diversity of race, class, and sex in the church. True unity cannot be achieved without equal opportunity for participation in the life of the church regardless of race, class, and sex.

Ephesians 5:21 33 – Marital Relationships – Mutual Submission In Christ

Mutual submission is the proper attitude of believers toward one another within the church and also within the home. Since mutual submission is the rule for all believers, it also applies to all husbands and to all wives who are believers.

Mutual submission pertains to the very nature of Christ and His ministry. The marriage relationship provides the environment where both husbands and wives can exhibit the deeper meaning of Christ’s sacrificial love for the church through the practice of mutual submission.

Husbands: Love for wives is defined according to the standard set by Christ at the cross when He takes the form of a servant, humbles Himself, and becomes obedient unto death, even death on a cross. Any claim to rulership or any assertion of authority makes a mockery of the cross where Christ gives Himself up for the church.

Heavier demands made on husbands correspond to the disproportionate lengths of Paul’s instructions to husbands (vv. 25-30: ninety-two Greek words) and to wives (vv. 23-23: forty Greek words).

I Timothy 2:11-15 – Elder Relationships – Maturity In Christ

There are two surrounding references to silence (11 and 12). This is silence of the obedient disciple who receives instruction eagerly and without contradiction or self-assertion. It is a familiar statement of esteem.

Textual Development:
 Women in Ephesus should first become learners (v.11)
 Stop acting as teachers or assuming the authority of recognized teachers (v.12).
 Unqualified persons will get themselves and the church in trouble (vv. 13-14). [As Eve rather than Adam was deceived into error].
 As Eve became the means and the first beneficiary of promised salvation, so Ephesian women will legitimately aspire to maturity and competency and to positions of service in the church (v. 15).
 The exclusion of the Ephesian women from teaching positions is not final.

Context: There were ignorant women in Ephesus who had created considerable trouble because of unenlightened exuberance and knowledge.

Principle: Persons in the learning stages should not be permitted to become teachers. They first must earn their credentials.

Application: Christian communities should remain careful to authorize positions of leadership only those persons who have received adequate training and whose lives are characterized by Christian maturity.

At the core of Paul’s strategy is the elimination of all unqualified teachers – both male and female – so that the church’s teaching ministry can be carried out exclusively by approved mature people.

Notes from Gilbert Bilezikian – “Beyond Sex Roles”

Session Seven

“Men And Women In The Body Of Christ”

Bible Study Series Purpose: To place the teachings of the bible on male/female relationships in a perspective that illustrates God’s design in creation and its restoration in redemption.

Counteracting Fragmentation: The gospel needs to be applied to individual lives and to the way Christians relate among themselves. Fragmentation and divisions are successful weapons in Satan’s arsenal directed against believers. Where God wants to create unity and cohesion, Satan seeks to cause alienation and separation.

Wholeness in Christ: Nowhere does the Scripture command us to develop our sex-role awareness as males or females. It calls us—both men and women—to acquire the mind of Christ and to be transformed in His image.

“All of you who were baptized into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ.” (Galatians 3:27)

“Until we all reach unity in the faith and in the knowledge of the Son of God and become mature, attaining to the whole measure of the fullness of Christ. (Ephesians 4:13)

“Your attitude should be the same as that of Christ Jesus. (Phil. 2:5)

“The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control.” (Gal. 5:22-23)

“Therefore, as God’s chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience. Bear with each other and forgive whatever grievances you may have against one another. Forgive as the Lord forgave you. And over all these virtues put on love, which binds them all together in perfect unity. (Colossians 3:12-14)

Some men may indeed have to repudiate the traits that culture portrays as masculine

 Toughness is surrendered for love.
 Ambition is replaced by joy.
 Aggressiveness is subordinated for peace.
 Expeditiousness is relinquished for patience.
 Forcefulness is forfeited for kindness.
 Harshness becomes goodness.
 Lack of commitment is changed into faithfulness.
 Competition is exchanged for gentleness.
 Assertiveness is sublimated into self-control.

Men and Women Together: These qualities are neither masculine nor feminine. Both men and women are to acquire such characteristics because they reveal the image of God. This transformation calls not only for a change of the “inner man” but also for a change of attitudes toward the other sex.

Men and Women Together in Church: Obedience to scripture regarding male/female relationships within the church will release undreamed-of vitalities and potentialities for the work of the gospel. Only as men learn to encourage women to stand strong, courageous, and free can they both discover the magnificent complementarity for which the sexes were created.

Men and Women Together at Home: In family life, such obedience will stem the tide of dead or broken marriages as husbands and wives learn to share together the responsibilities of leadership in their homes. Consistently placing the responsibility for the final word on the husband is the least God-honoring method for resolving such deadlocks. This puts an unrealistic burden on the husband to make always the right decision, and it promotes cop-out mentality for the wife, who then resigns herself to the status of permanent loser or of devious manipulator of the power-wielding male.

Men and Women Breaking the Impasses: Alternate suggestions for honorably and peaceably settling split decisions:

1. Defer to each other
2. Exercise the spiritual gifts for the outcome of problematic decisions
3. Compromise
4. Define the biblical principles involved in the debated issue
5. Pray together for guidance and wait for it
6. Allow God to provide guidance through circumstances
7. Whenever a decision affects one spouse more than the other, the spouse who has more at stake in the decision should have more say in it
8. Initiate joint research projects on the debated issue
9. Decide to refer the matter to a trusted and objective third party

Notes from Gilbert Bilezikian – “Beyond Sex Roles”






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