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Acceptance of Authority
by Commissioner Wesley Harris

THE ACCEPTANCE of properly constituted authority within the Army is important. Not that leaders are infallible. (Like others, commissioners can make mistakes and I have inside information on at least one for whom that has been true!) Likewise, boards and councils can arrive at wrong conclusions. Though their decisions may be made in good faith and on the basis of wide experience they are still fallible, as of course are those who may not agree with them!

But from the beginning the Church has found it necessary to invest certain people with authority- not to 'lord it' over others but to glorify God and facilitate the worship and work of his people. A church without properly constituted authority – or a 'do-as-you-like army’ – could not be effective. The words 'disciple' and 'discipline' are related and one of the secrets of the success of our founders was in the combination of love and discipline in the Army. Without that combination there might have been a religious rabble; with it there emerged a cohesive force in the world.

We live in an age when consultation is valued and that's fine and is a mark of respect. But just as even in a football team, for example, the context must be one of accepted discipline, so in that part of the Church called The Salvation Army.

Does that mean that Salvationists are required to be 'yes men or women'? The answer is both 'yes' and 'no'. We promise to accept the legitimate authority of our leaders but, in my experience, that does not put us in a straight-jacket or restrict our service. On the contrary, in fact. Sharing in the solidarity of salvationism increases our potential for service. As part of an army we can do so much more than we could as 'lone rangers'.

As a Salvation Army officer I have enjoyed great freedom. Within a wide framework of doctrine and discipline there has been plenty of room for personal expression and joyous service with opportunities for service beyond my wildest dreams. I'm so glad I joined!






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