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Why Do I Preach?
by Captain Sharon Sandercock-Brown
Australia East, Chatswood Corps Officer

My Story… Why do I preach??

On a Friday afternoon as I pick up the kids from school and muse over the fact that my sermon for Sunday is only half written, I often wonder: why do I preach? I never seem to have enough time to think through what I feel needs to be said and how it should be communicated. The demands of so many other things throughout the week crowd in on the time I really should be devoting to studying and soaking up God’s word in order to share it faithfully. It was fine at college when I was in that zone! Once you hit the ‘real’ world the focus shifts and it is a discipline to say no to other matters in order to schedule in enough time for sermon prep. On reflection, I would have to say that time isn’t the major factor concerning this question. The answer, I know, is much deeper…

Although throughout church history the place of women preachers has met opposition and produced a variety of opinions, it never occurred to me that I wouldn’t preach as a Salvation Army officer. I don’t think it was totally due to my upbringing in the Army although that certainly had its influence, but rather because of the accepted norm of women working in the workplace. As a graphic designer prior to Officership never once did my gender decide whether I was appropriate to fulfill the role. In our marriage, my husband and I always understood the ‘contract’ to be a partnership. We did, and still do, share domestic duties and parenting responsibilities. Both of us had good jobs and careers we enjoyed so we both continued working when children came on the scene. When decisions had to be made, we both had a say in the matter. When God first put the idea of Officership into my thinking, this concept of being partners in ministry was discussed [and re-emphasised] with my husband.

This help explains why I preach but there is still something more. I can remember my first sermon. Just a talk really. I am sure I have given talks before but this one felt different because it was at a time when I was really focusing on what it meant to be a Christian. I was re-evaluating my commitment and wanting to get serious about my faith. As the leader of the group leading this particular Sunday service the task came to me by default. I cannot remember what I said except that I shared a lot about what the Holy Spirit was doing in my life. [I do remember that the DC’s of our division were present in that meeting and I felt a bit sorry for them having to sit through my rambling talk.] The amazing thing was that when I finished speaking people moved to pray at the mercy seat. It definitely had nothing to do with my polished performance or any expertise in communication skills! Yet somehow God was at work even though my ‘talk’ seemed rather inadequate.

Well, training college gave me the formulas needed for a well structured sermon although I still find it hard to sometimes stick to these methods. My creative spirit reacts to the confines of such guidelines… I just like to do things differently. These differences are quite evident when you compare me to my husband. He is well read and articulate, loves the written word and is ready to share his thoughts on what he knows. With a background in teaching he had no problem standing up to speak publicly and was able to do a good job communicating his 3 point sermon right from the very beginning of college life. It didn’t come so easy to me. Even now, with quite a few sermons under my belt, I still freak out before I start to preach. I remind God that “I am a poor speaker” [Exodus 6:30] yet he stills calls me to lead the people of God [even in the wilderness].

At this point, it sounds like I am struggling to find the actual reason why I preach. Apart from knowing that God has used my flawed efforts in the past, why should I continue to preach? Does scripture provide an explanation? Does it confirm things like women preaching to blokes? In his first letter to the Corinthian church, the apostle Paul gives us plenty to argue over concerning this matter. He proposes a ladder of authority interwoven with what he calls the ‘traditions’. [1Corinthians 11:2F] Yet I notice that the same man who can make distinctions between the Godhead, and a man and woman in a Christian assembly can also claim that in Christ there are no distinctions. [Galatians 3:28] Luke tells us that Paul worked with a wife and husband team. Both of them were involved in sorting out Apollos when his religious education needed an update. [Acts 18:26] There appears to be no distinctions there! According to my own tradition, my impression of the Founders is that Catherine was very much an equal with William and their partnership flowed directly into ministry matters. Catherine’s intellect and outspoken ways brought public recognition for women and their right to be involved in ministry leadership. Her strong sense of justice in this matter has created a new tradition that The Salvation Army still follows. Women and men stand side by side to fight for God.

So why do I preach? Since my first class in theology [when I spent half the lesson getting my head around the title] the Word of God has burned in my heart. As I study and grapple with what I read in the bible my faith has deepened and expanded. As I understand more and more of God I find I have more and more to share. There are still lots of things I don’t know and realise there will be some things I will never know fully, but that does not stop me from knowing some rather profound truths of God. Big news items like grace and redemption and hope. As I prepare each sermon God speaks to me and gives me something to say. As I proclaim the good news, whether it is in a Sunday meeting or at the Tuesday bible study or at the local Primary School, it is God who should be the main focus. Primarily I preach because of God and not because of me. Time, gender, marital status, rank and expertise are secondary factors! And the more I preach the more I know that God is at work in my life. He is changing my perspective and claiming my allegiance to win the world for Christ. I preach because God has chosen to use me. [I didn’t put my hand up!]

Sharon Sandercock-Brown

PS: Thank you for reading my ‘ramblings’. I am not sure if my writing abilities are any better than my oral recitations so I appreciate your effort in making it to the end!






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