JAC Online

Editorial Introduction
by Captain Stephen Court

Greetings in Jesus' name, friends. Thanks for frequenting the Journal of Aggressive Christianity over the past seven years. We appreciate your patronage. If you've not been around that long, you can catch up with our comprehensive archives...

Issue #45 is riding on the provocative waves of WOMEN IN THE WAR (#44). While lacking an official focus, this issue addresses a few different topics that have been raised in JAC and in the armybarmy blog over the last little while.

So, Andrew Bale in England midrashes on General William Booth's holiness imperative in THE PAST IS GOOD. It all comes down to holiness for this Movement. You should experience it. And you should preach it.

Then, directly following up on our last issue, we intend to tick a lot of western Christians off with Brynn Camery-Hoggatt's and Nealson Munn's WILD AT HEART: Essential Reading or "Junk Food of the Soul"? And if that isn't enough, Major JoAnn Shade offers something right out of left field for most of us, in WOMANIST SALVOS.

Jason Pope takes a serious stab at playing out the ramifications of Anthony Castle's big-splash article from a recent JAC (ARE WE A METAPHOR?) in "SALVATION ARMY: A Biblical Basis for Military Metaphor in Restricted-Access Countries". While he disagrees with Castle's main assertion, they share a concern for strategy to closed countries.

In the next section of this issue, Fleur Hodge and Patricia King team up with articles on Glory and Joy (GLORY IN JOHN and THE POWER OF JOY).

Cadet Christopher Footer lets us lift a paper from training college called PRIMITIVE SALVATIONISM: "Warriors in The Army of Salvation; & Soldiers in The Salvation Army", in which he surveys this movement for the casual reader/salvo.

Matthew Champ takes on screamos and bandos in his thoroughly Biblical article WORSHIP WARFARE. Major Bruce Power applies 2 Chronicles 20 to our current situation in COME JOIN OUR ARMY. Andrew Bale breaks down each of the Biblical 'spiritual gifts' in SPIRITUAL GIFTS, an article that expands on a recent armybarmy blog topic. And Cory Harrison asks some serious questions about the trendy 'revolution' slogan in THE REVOLUTION CATCH-PHRASE.

There is enough reading here for awhile. If you wade your way through it, do hit the archives and the armybarmy blog, which is relentlessly consistent, and for which there are archives going back long enough to fill your every free hour for the next couple of months until, unless Jesus returns, we're planning to offer a special interview issue of JAC for #46 at the start of December.






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